Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Breastfeeding tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I have no idea why that picture looks crooked.. Oh well.. Merry Christmas everyone.. !!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween 2010

This is our little mans first Halloween.. this is what he is going to be.. :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just pictures.

******* And no his eyes were not touched up.. They really are that gorgeous!!!!!!!!!***********

Monday, October 11, 2010

6 month old

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Beautiful and just a wonderful child :) cannot imagine life without him now.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

4 months..

4 months old.. crazy it goes so fast..

I quit my job and am staying at home. I cannot imagine sending him to daycare this early!! And I am so glad that I dont have too..
Will post more again soon.. we are working on sleep training right now .

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3 months old

I cannot believe that he is already 3 months old!!! He is such a ham with the camera. Talks alot too.. I think he is trying to up his sister!!!
His first Mickey Ears. We took him to last week . He did awesome~ did Small world, Peter Pan and Pirates with no problems. He lived in the sling on me, or in his carseat while we walked the millions of miles!!

Piglet tastes good!!!

Woody is invading his personal space!!!

Chilling in the sling in DL.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

One month already!!!

I had a nice little post already written but when I went to do the pics it magically disappeared. Charlie is doing fantastic! He is a great little boy and I think he is going to be a happy little boy.
His last weigh in was last Monday and he is 8 lbs 6 oz. He gained almost 2 pounds in close to 2 weeks.

Charlie smiling

Charlie was 8 days old in these pictures. Love the one that he is attacking my moms hand!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Charlie is here!,

Well, I have been a bit busy the last week, but our little guy came on march 12th at 3:39 pm. He was 6lbs 14 oz and 19.5 inches long. I was in labor for 23 hours ( thats the time from when they inserted the Cer.vadil to when I delivered Charlie. Coming home from the hospital
My cool baby boy.. Loves his pacifier and his hands!

Handsome man :)

OK.. so now my lovely birth story. My mom got here on the 7th of March. I was originally due on the 4th. The 4th came and went with no dialation or anything, Charlie was still very high in my pelvis, so I was sure that we would be waiting until my mother was here.,which now I am very happy that Charlie waited until she was here.
Anyways, at my appointment on the 3rd the doctor set me up with one more appointment on the 10th and induction on the 11th in the evening if no progress was seen.
So my mom got her on the 7th.. that night I started having contractions about 10-12 minutes apart. I woke up the next morning to some leakage. I thought that my water had broken so we went to L&D to be checked. Turned out my water had not broken and I was still dialated at only a 1. I had been a 1 since my last appoinment the week prior. So needless to say I was disappointed that I hadn't progressed more. Doctor sent me to have a sonogram to check out Charlie since he was overdue. He was fine, heart was good , fluid was good etc. So they sent me home.
I continued to have contractions, not horribly painful around 6-10 minutes apart monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday when my mother and I went to the doctor , my contractions were a steady 6 minutes apart. The doc checked me and I was still a damn 1!
We set up the induction time for Thursday the 11th. I would go in at 4:30pm and they would place the cerv.adil, and my cervix would "ripen" over night and then start pi.tocin in the morning.
So after the doctor appointment my contractions went to 3-5 minutes apart all night and throughout thursday morning. Thursday morning I lost my mucous plug and had some bloody show. My mom, a neonatal nurse practitioner wanted me to call L&D and see if they wanted me to go in since my contractions were so close, L&D told me to eat a light lunch and then come on in.
We got to L&D around 1:30 on thursday afternoon. They checked me and to my disappointment I was still only a 1. They kept me anyways because I was due to check in @ 4:30 anyways that night so I stayed. They placed the cer.vadil ( a long tape like stuff) around 4:30 and said they wouldnt check me til morning since Cer.vadil diesnt cause contractions or anything,,, yeah sure..
So, my mom went home to be with our little girl and E stayed with me. We ate dinner and tried to relax. around 8pm my contractions started to go to 2 minutes apart steadily. The nurses still refused to check me, until around 1 am when Charlies heart rate drops and they start really paying attention to me. I was in alot of pain and it was not paid attention too ( in my opinion). They finally checked me at 2 am after my mom was called and brought in because we were scared about Charlies heart rate. They checked me and I was a 2-3 !!! I was so upset. The nurses gave me some Sta.dol which calmed me but did nothing for the pain, and just made me have lucid visions. I dreamt of Alice in Wonderland, mushrooms, purple everything. I got 2 injections of that, and they increased my fluids.
Around 4 am I was in alot of pain and the head nurse had them take out the cerv.adil, and got me set up for my epid.eral. Once they took the cerva.dil out, my contractions were still 2-3 minutes apart but nothing as painful as they were. So I think I had a allergic reaction to the Cerv.adil.
I still got my epi about an hour later, and even though the anesthesiologist had to do the epi twice since the first one didnt work, I still loved it. I even had tachycardia because of the medication for a short time. My heart rate was 150 for around 20 minutes when the medication first took effect, but it steadied in about 20 minutes.
After the epi, i was able to rest, and they started the pito.cin. my contractions went to extreme contractions every minute apart but all i could feel was the pressure. No pain. I could feel my legs but only pressure on them.
So, when nurses changed, at 7 am I was a 3-4. They didnt check me again for a few hours when Charlies heart rate dropped again. At 11 am I was a 9. I started to push around 1 pm and Charlie was born at 3:39 pm.
Charlie was born with his cord wrapped around his neck very tightly twice so the doctor had to cut it.
When he was put on my chest he was purple, limp and not breathing. They took him to the warming bed and the NICU nurses took over. He started breathing right away buy never cried out loudly. They ended up letting me see him for about 2 minutes after he started improving, and then they took him to NICU for observation. His tone was low and they wanted to watch hiim.
I got to go see him in NICU after about 2 hours and was able to breast feed him. NICU said as long as he latched on they would let him room with me after the observation time. Charlie latched on like a chamo with no changes to his vital signs, so he got to room with me around 8 om that night,
My doc released me the next day, but Charlie needed to stay one more night so I also stayed.
when we left on Sunday morning he was given a great bill of health. Slightly jaundiced but doing well.
We have been doing well. He is a great baby, and so handsome.
His doc appointment on wednesday he was back to 6 lbs 13 oz. when he left the hospital he was 6 lbs 10 oz,
He eats like a champ and is starting to "talk" already,,, such a blessing to have, :)
I have to end now because I am typing one handed since my guy is on my chest, :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Still Pregnant

I am 40weeks 1 day today and still pregnant. Doc checked me on Wednesday and cervix was still closed and short, and baby is at a -2 position. So I still have a ways to go. Been sitting on the birthing ball to try to bring baby down a bit more.
I am ready for him to be here.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby Shower- finally posting pics

Bad glare but such a cute picture for Charlie :)

Me and Charlie's future girlfriend! :)

Ok it took me forever to download the pictures from the baby shower.. Since my little guy is looking like he is going to be either on his due date or later, I have a little time to do it.. and cannot use any excuses anymore :) So here we go: OH.. by the way.. some pics were taken by our creative 6 year old so they are from HER perspective :)

This is the baby shower cake.

Friday, February 26, 2010

36 weeks

This is at my family baby shower. Not the best pic I know, very washed out.

Sent from my Iphone

Thursday, February 25, 2010

39 weeks

I have not been posting but everything is going well. Baby is getting big and thriving.. Just waiting for him to come.
We had a baby shower on January 31st, then I had one with my friends from my previous employer , and now my current employer.

Had a doctor appointment on Tuesday and still nothing. Baby is still high and no dilation, effacement or anything. My pelvis is still at nothing. They sent me for an ultrasound to make sure that the baby wasn't to big to fit in pelvis. He measures out to be 7 lbs 6 oz.. so he is a good healthy weight. Next week I guess will be the decision day, if he still has not dropped at all.
The doctor really had me scared for a while because he was thinking he was about 9 pounds already... and that really freaked me out.

I am due next thursday but am hoping the baby will stay put until the evening of the 7th as my mom will not be there until then. Now my MIL decided to go out of town tomorrow until the 7th so next week we will not no grandmother to watch our daughter if i go into labor next week..