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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 26, 2010

36 weeks

This is at my family baby shower. Not the best pic I know, very washed out.

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

39 weeks

I have not been posting but everything is going well. Baby is getting big and thriving.. Just waiting for him to come.
We had a baby shower on January 31st, then I had one with my friends from my previous employer , and now my current employer.

Had a doctor appointment on Tuesday and still nothing. Baby is still high and no dilation, effacement or anything. My pelvis is still at nothing. They sent me for an ultrasound to make sure that the baby wasn't to big to fit in pelvis. He measures out to be 7 lbs 6 oz.. so he is a good healthy weight. Next week I guess will be the decision day, if he still has not dropped at all.
The doctor really had me scared for a while because he was thinking he was about 9 pounds already... and that really freaked me out.

I am due next thursday but am hoping the baby will stay put until the evening of the 7th as my mom will not be there until then. Now my MIL decided to go out of town tomorrow until the 7th so next week we will not no grandmother to watch our daughter if i go into labor next week..